Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Well...we are underway on the book.  The prototype quilts are coming nicely along and I am totally loving the serpentine shapes.  

East meets West - Mausummery Lawn

I just signed with Mausummery Textiles.  I'm really excited to work with them.  This will be a completely different type of textile designing compared to the quilting realm.  It will be very interesting.  I love the color palettes they are letting me play with - Check out "Mausummery Lawn" online for exquisite cotton fabrics.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Doodle-a-day motif

This is a section from the doodles I did this weekend.

Super fun playing in Illustrator.

TA DA...My new quilting studio

I'm finally put back together and ready to get stitchin!  


This is fantastic.  I have a design group I meet with monthly.  We challenged each other to doing 1 doodle-a-day and turning it into a motif at the very least, and hopefully creating an entire design from that 1 doodle.   It reminds me of piano lessons back in the day when I had to do the dozen a day scale series.  It only takes a few minutes and definitely hones your skills.  Lovin' it!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sunshine, Beautiful Sunshine

This is the first Sunday I've had free in months.   I love teaching the textile workshops, but I really miss my Sundays.  I was able to attend church with my children which was lovely and always sets the mood for the rest of the day.  I'm all moved in now and my studio is pretty much set up.  I can't wait to get on with the quilting.  I have at least 8 tops waiting.

I started working on a new quilt for a contest, Extraordinary Travels.   Years ago, I took a photo of Dave with Jonathan on his shoulders as we walked the trails in Samuel P. Taylor State Park.  It was such a beautiful serene day and I though this theme fit this picture so well.  Watching a dad show his child nature - what could be more extraordinary than that?

I have the background completed and am working on the applique portion, I'll post pictures tomorrow of where I am so far.  School has taken so much of my time, that I just cherish this personal quilting time.  I have sorely missed the fun.  I have however had the fun of quilting vicariously through the blogs of others and filling my sketchbook with ideas for future quilts. 

Lately, I've been rethinking my life and am refocusing on what I want to be doing.   There are some exciting options on the horizon.  I can't wait to explore them.

Hope your day is awesome.  It is here.


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